Information in English

Welcome to the Welthaus Stuttgart!

We work and strive for Global Justice, Reduction of poverty, sustainable development and the peaceful coexistence of humankind.


A place for the world

The state capital Stuttgart is an international congregation. People from over 170 different countries are living together, each and every one shaping the future of the city. With its countless global connections it is  easy to establish relations towards partners from every corner of the world, enabling a prosperous and just development.

Welthaus Stuttgart is one such place, located in the very center of  the state capital. No matter the country of origin, everyone is welcome to participate in intercultural exchange here. Anyone interested in political development will find a warm and welcome place in the shape of the Welthaus, together questioning our relationship to the one, lone planet we all inhabit.  

Global Justice, Reduction of poverty, sustainable development and the peaceful coexistence of humankind are our unshakable,foundational beliefs and goals.


Global Classroom / Globales Klassenzimmer

An interactive place of learning for all age groups. Should you wish to use this room for educational purposes, or receive pedagogical consultation, feel free to contact our coordinator.

E-Mail: esma.kizilaslan[at]



Fair trade café that prides itself on regional, environmentally sustainable products. A perfect place for meeting people from around the world.

E-Mail: info[at]


Fair Trade Shop / Weltladen an der Planie

Specialized Shop for Fair Trade goods with a broad range of food and tools for handicraft.

E-Mail: info[at]


Welthaus Stuttgart e.V.

40 associations, be it fair trade cafes, political organisations, cultural institutions or associations with international backgrounds are part of  the Welthaus e.V. Partners can use the office facilities in the Weltwerkstatt to work on their projects.

If you wish to be a part of  the Welthaus, or learn more about the German association structure, feel free to ask our coordinators.

It is our responsibility to facilitate a just and stable future starting from the hills of the state capital, perhaps one day reaching far and wide.


E-Mail: koordination[at]


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